What is the Urban October?

Urban October 2021 will focus globally on the climate crisis, which is also the theme of the UN-Habitat ClimateAction4Cities campaign, although the activities can address any aspect of sustainable urbanism. Despite this, from the social movements, civil society organizations and entities such as the DESC Observatory we resignify this month to make it our own and claim, now more than ever, the right to housing and the right to city, of all and for all, here and around the world

Urban October is an annual initiative of the UN-Habitat agency of the United Nations in which all people, civil society organizations and governments and public administrations are invited to be part of a month of specific activities on the challenges and opportunities facing all the diversity of human settlements (cities, towns and other communities) on the Planet. Every October, all actors interested in "sustainable urbanism", from national and local governments to universities, NGOs and communities, are encouraged to hold or participate in virtual or physical activities or events and debates. hi.

The month begins with World Habitat Day, the first Monday in October, which this year falls on October 4, 2021. The theme for this year’s World Habitat Day is: “Driving Action for a carbon-free world ". As cities are responsible for 70% of global carbon dioxide emissions, it will be encouraged to analyze how to develop sustainable, carbon-neutral and inclusive cities and human settlements.

Urban October concludes with World Cities Day - which HIC and the Global Platform for the Right to the City, of which we are members re-signify as World Day of the Right to the City - on October 31 2021. This year, the specific theme of this day will be "Adapting Cities to Climate Resilience," as cities and mega-cities spread across the planet increasingly notice the effects of disasters. related to the climate they cause, such as floods, droughts, sea level rise, heat waves, landslides and storms. It will be about creating more sustainable and climate-friendly societies.
